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 nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me

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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:45

nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 133757contexte
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:49

JENNIFEEEEEEEEEEEER nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 1511149562
Bienvenue & bon courage pour ta fiche I love you
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:50

Mon Dieu, ce que je kiff Jennifer Morisson !
Très, très bon choix de scénario nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 550350388 !
Bienvenue parmi nous ! =)
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:52

merci les filles nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 891098728
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Jenna Rhodes
Jenna Rhodes

Mes contacts:
Disponibilité RP: 0/3
⊱ Factures payées : 534
⊱ Points : 23
⊱ Emménagé le : 28/01/2012

nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:55

Bienvenue par ici jolie blonde. I love you
Excellent choix d'avatar & de scénario.
Bon courage pour la petite fiche.
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:56

rachel est un superbe choix aussi nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 1972635431 merci tout de meme
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:57

Eriksen, comme himym nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 1819523842
Bienvenue parmi nous, Jennifer est superbe I love you
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 18:59

je suis dans le regret de te dire que je ne regarde pas himym... enfin j'ai vu six épisode voir sept mais c'est tout... merci beaucoup au passage nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 82501100
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 19:27

Jennifer I love you
bienvenue ^^
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 19:42

Bienvenue What a Face
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 20:30

Bienvenue ! nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 1511149562 nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 452961431 nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 550350388
Très bon choix d'avatar & bon courage pour ta fiche !
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 21:13

Whaooo nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 1511149562 Jennifer quoi nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 452961431
Très bon choix d'avatar nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 2360309522
Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche (a)
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeDim 11 Mar - 22:30

merci à tous Very Happy
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nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeLun 12 Mar - 17:45

OMG JENNIFER ! Elle est tellement belle, tellement cool I love you

Binevenue, et bonne chance pour ta fiche nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me 2360309522
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Jenna Rhodes
Jenna Rhodes

Mes contacts:
Disponibilité RP: 0/3
⊱ Factures payées : 534
⊱ Points : 23
⊱ Emménagé le : 28/01/2012

nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeMar 20 Mar - 9:03

Bonjour. I love you
Plus de sept jours se sont écoulés depuis le post de ta présentation et cette dernière n'est toujours pas achevée. Avec l'effervescence de l'ouverture nous sommes gentilles et laissont un peu plus de temps pour la terminer mais nous aimerions au moins avoir des nouvelles. Si d'ici demain nous n'en avons, nous devrons supprimer ton compte. Mais nous n'en arriverons pas jusque là n'est-ce pas ?
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Jenna Rhodes
Jenna Rhodes

Mes contacts:
Disponibilité RP: 0/3
⊱ Factures payées : 534
⊱ Points : 23
⊱ Emménagé le : 28/01/2012

nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Mar - 12:55

Pas de nouvelles. J'archive.
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MessageSujet: Re: nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me   nora → don't worry, be happy and laught with me Icon_minitime

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